Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Boys and tunes

Young men are dumb.
Young men without the steadying influence of young women are dumber.
Young men from Hong Kong who have left Mum at home are way dumber.
The immaturity of the Hong Kong students seems to be typical but also contradictory. They study hard, but I don't see evidence that they have a considered opinion to offer a tutorial or a Professor when asked a good question. If you wander through the library of an afternoon and count the number of students who are drooped over their books in slumber you realise that they do a lot of night work. But is it worthwhile? There's plenty of evidence to suggest that the work done late at night when tired, does not adhere to long term memory.
There is no empirical evidence to support the assertion that they are dumb. But the 2am nights when the young men on the floor run yelling down the corridor is draining.
Next time I see the young men in the library slumped over the desk at 2pm, I'm tapping them on the shoulder. The first question will be about a Philosophy of Technology whether it is warranted. The second question will be whether Karl Popper's withering criticism of Karl Marx's thoughts on historical dialeticism was warranted. I know how they will look at me.
There is a typhoon on its way, the floor security have hoisted the red / white sign, typhoon warning 1, When the number gets closer to 8 it means they batten down the hatches.
Also see The Eel's Susan's House. Great social commentary and not a dumb boy in sight.
I photographed this couple on the way to the Tseun Wan line. [This appeared in September, but I didn't refer to the actual economic theory on his t-shirt.] He wears the black swan t-shirt. Look up Nassim Nicholas Taleb's theory on financial economics. It doesn't once mention dumb boys. And she is very proud.

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